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Pre-construction work beginning on Port’s Marina & Boat Ramp Project

The Port of Alsea will close the boat launch at the Port facilities in Waldport at 5:00 pm, Wednesday, October 21. Excavators are scheduled to begin removing out-of-water areas of the boat launch on Monday, the 26th. Between the 21st and the 26th, the Port will be removing signs, kiosk, garbage cans, taping off the parking lot, and generally getting ready for construction to begin. The marina docks will stay open for crabbing from the docks (not for boaters) until at least November 1 and probably a bit longer. When the in-water-work starts in the bay, we will close the docks for all uses. Please note that the fish cleaning station will be closed when the boat launch parking lot closes and there will be no garbage service after the launch parking lot is closed (for those who bring their personal garbage to the Port for disposal).